7 Ways to Shape Up This Fall

The temperature is dropping. Your fitness shouldn't.


title: Keep Your Summer Wardrobe

text: We all need a little motivation to keep us going. The best way to accomplish that in the fall is to keep that summer wardrobe for as long as possible.

When the weather does start to cool off, try to avoid baggy clothing and too many unnecessary layers. Instead stick to tighter, more form fitted clothing. If you (and other people) can see your shape on a regular basis you’ll be more inclined to maintain it.

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title: Sign up for a Mud Run

text: Need a little healthy competition in your life? Like mud? Sign up for a mud run or obstacle course in your area.

Signing up means setting a goal and committing to it. It’s harder to back out when you have a date set on the calendar and people counting on you to be there. Also, it’s a great way to show yourself how strong you are. Mudderella is all about that–taking pride in your personal strength and only looking to improve by your own standards. It is female empowerment to the max and one of those milestones that will push you to be better and motivate you to keep going even after it’s over. It’s about staying healthy, challenging yourself, and getting your hands ‘a little’ dirty every once in a while. Visit Mudderella.com for more info.

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title: Get Schooled

text: Once the kids go back to school, it can be harder to find the time to work out between drop offs and soccer practice, etc. On those days, instead of opting out of your workout altogether, try fitting in at least some sort of physical activity.

Walk or ride bikes with your kids to school instead of driving them if you live within walking distance. Stay a few minutes after practice to play catch one night. No, it’s not going to be the most intense workout of your life. But we’re talking about maintenance here, people; something is still better than nothing, always! Don’t throw away the whole day just because you can’t get to the gym or a class. It’s a lifestyle.

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title: Try a Turkey Trot

text: The average American will consume about 3,000 calories during their Thanksgiving feast (give or take a piece of grandma’s pumpkin pie). To avoid the post-turkey dinner regret, sign up for a local ‘turkey trot’ race and get that metabolism fired up before the bird even goes into the oven.

Also, most of them are put on by local or national charities that provide needy families with Thanksgiving meals. What could be more rewarding both physically and emotionally than donating to a good cause while simultaneously burning 600+ calories dressed in a turkey hat? The answer is nothing. Check online to find a turkey trot near you.



title: Download a New Workout App

text: For those who live in places where seasons are a factor (i.e. everywhere but Southern California), you might need to get a little more creative with your workout routine. Don’t let staying inside be an excuse to skimp on your workout. There are plenty of fitness apps to choose from that allow you to customize your workout to your specific needs.

By keeping track of your workouts, they bring the accountability of a trainer to the comfort of your own living room. Plus, because our smart phones are always close by, you have no excuse not to fit it in, no matter where you are. I like the “Hot 5” app because they’re quick five-minute workout bursts that can be used to add on to your own workout or as your entire fitness regime. From beginner to expert, there’s something for everyone. Plus, they’re only five minutes. And who doesn’t have that?



title: Get Creative at the Pumpkin Patch

text: Go beyond just the picking. Aside from all the obvious walking/running around the field with the kids, a pumpkin patch is a great place to try out your fitness creativity. For example, grab a small to medium sized pumpkin and use it like a kettlebell to perform some “pumpkin swings.” Or, while walking through a corn maze or trail, wander over to a hay bale and do some step ups to get that heart rate up. Try doing as many as you can for one minute, rest, and then repeat. Happy hunting!



title: Join a Sports Team

text: Since when did joining a sports team become an activity only for kids? Why not join an adult softball or kickball league in your area? Do it alone, or with a friend/spouse. Either way, it’s a great way to meet other people with similar interests while simultaneously keeping your body guessing by introducing it to something new. The gym can get so mundane sometimes; don’t get caught up in the same routine. Plus, life shouldn’t be lived only inside. So, go out and enjoy!

This article originally appeared on Health.com.
