Coronavirus updates: US reports nearly 300,000 new cases in all-time high

A staggering 299,087 new cases were confirmed over the past 24 hours.

A pandemic of the novel coronavirus has now infected more than 84.6 million people worldwide and killed over 1.8 million of them, according to real-time data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


US sets record for cases, even as reporting lags due to holidays

The U.S. set another record for most daily cases, despite some states not even reporting totals due to the New Year's holiday.

There were a record 275,897 cases reported Saturday, even though seven states did not relay any data, according to The COVID Tracking Project.

"Some states are reporting normally, some are reporting multiple days of data, and almost all are dealing with at least some holiday backlogs," the project said.

The seven-day average for hospitalizations stands at a record 123,689 despite incomplete data. There were 2,367 deaths reported on Saturday, too.

Officials expect numbers to spike after the holidays as people return home from gatherings with family and friends.

Larry King hospitalized after testing positive for COVID-19

Legendary talk show host Larry King, 87, has been hospitalized in Los Angeles for COVID-19, a source close to the King family confirms to ABC News.

"Larry has fought so many health issues in the last few years and he is fighting this one hard too, he's a champ," the source close to the family told ABC News.

King, who hosted "Larry King Live" on CNN for 25 years, revealed in 2017 he had been treated for lung cancer. He suffered a major heart attack in 1987 and the tumor was discovered during an annual checkup. He had an angioplasty in April 2019 and suffered a stroke in 2019 as well.

The host went through unbearable tragedy last year when two of his children died less than a month apart. His son, Andy, died of a heart attack in July and his daughter, Chaia, died of lung cancer in August.

King is hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA. The news was first reported by ShowBiz411.

ABC News' Alondra Vale and Josh Hoyos contributed to this report.

Houston vaccine call center overwhelmed with 250,000 calls by 7:30 a.m.

After authorizing the Houston Health Department to open the city's first free COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Jan. 2, the call center to make vaccination appointments is already overwhelmed, said Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner on Twitter Saturday.

Turner said at a press conference later in the day that the call center received 250,000 calls by 7:30 a.m. when they only planned to provide 750 vaccinations. They turned to on-site registration to handle all the demand.

Turner plans to open "mega-sites" to provide vaccines in the near future, he said. Staff planned to stay late on Saturday and vaccinate about 1,000 people, the mayor said.

Houston reported 2,334 more cases and eight new deaths on Saturday.

ABC News' Matthew Fuhrman and Abby Shalawylo contributed to this report.

New York state crosses 1 million cases

New York has become the fourth state to cross 1 million COVID-19 cases, the governor announced Saturday.

New York joined California, Texas and Florida in hitting that mark. Illinois, at over 975,000 cases, is likely to join those four in the coming days. California has already crossed 2 million cases.

"With 2020 now behind us, we can see brighter days ahead, but to get there quickly, it's going to take all New Yorkers staying smart and staying united," Gov. Andre Cuomo said in a statement. "We have the vaccine, and that is good news, but it will be months before we've reached critical mass, making it as important as ever that we do not let COVID fatigue get the best of us."

The state reported just over 15,000 new cases on Saturday and a percent-positivity rate that has grown to 7.45%. That number was around 1% for much of the summer after being the epicenter for the pandemic in the spring.

There was some good news on Saturday as Cuomo reported there were 72 fewer people hospitalized due to the virus in the state.

Officials continue to fear growing cases in the new year after Christmas and New Year's travel in recent weeks. New York crossed 30,000 deaths earlier this week.

California hospital explains how it will allocate medical resources in case of shortage

Huntington Hospital in Pasadena, California, released a patient information sheet documenting how they will use their medical resources should they see a shortage due to an overwhelming number of new patients following the holidays.

"We are not currently in this situation, but could be based on ongoing increase in hospitalized COVID-19 patients," they told ABC News, adding that on Sunday they had their highest number of patients (189) in a single day.

In the letter, the hospital explained that due to rising cases of COVID-19 in the community, they may experience limited resources. These include life support machines (like a ventilator or breathing machine), intensive care unit (ICU) beds and healthy medical staff to care for patients.

If there is a shortage of resources, a team of medical professionals will review the cases of all patients who are critically ill to determine how these resources should be shared throughout the hospital.

"If a patient becomes extremely sick and very unlikely to survive his/her illness (even with life-saving treatment) – limited medical resources may go to treat other patients who are more likely to survive," the letter reads.

"Our community is facing a public health emergency that has severely constricted the medical resources available to patients in the Los Angeles County and greater Southern California region. Hospitals such as ours are working hard to meet the dramatic rise in needed care during this COVID-19 surge. We expect to face additional challenges moving forward after the holiday season," the hospital said in a statement.

ABC News' Abigail Shalawylo contributed to this report.