Surprising Ways to Eat Healthy at Restaurants

Here's some food for thought.

— -- intro:Here's some food for thought: A typical restaurant meal contains more than 1,100 calories. If you're like the average American, you eat out five times a week—which could wreak havoc on your diet. But before you vow to brown-bag it forever, know that it doesn't have to be this way. Food economists and consumer behavior experts have been studying the habits of restaurant-goers to identify why some leave happily sated and others fall into a food coma. They've learned that menu choices may have as much to do with where you're sitting as what you're craving. A host of factors—from the room's lighting to the height of your table—can encourage you to make more nutritious decisions. Here's how to set yourself up to enjoy a waist-friendly meal to the fullest.

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quicklist: 3category: Surprising Ways to Eat Healthy at Restaurants title: Request a table near the windowurl:text:"If you want to stack the deck in your favor, think twice about where you sit," says Brian Wansink, PhD, director of Cornell University's Food and Brand Lab and author of Slim by Design. When his team compared receipts and table locations at 27 restaurants, they found that patrons at high-top tables tended to order more fish and fewer desserts, and diners near the window were 80 percent more likely to have salads. "Maybe a high table makes you feel more in control, and sitting near a window feels more public," he says. "The why isn't clear. But as we say in the lab: If you want to be skinny, do what skinny people do."

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quicklist: 4category: Surprising Ways to Eat Healthy at Restaurants title: Sit far from the barurl:text:When you're in view of the television, it's tempting to watch between bites. But eating while distracted causes people to consume more—not only at that meal but later in the day as well, according to a British study. And TV isn't the only temptation you'll fight near the bar. The Cornell research team found that groups of four perched within two tables of the booze drank an average of three more drinks than patrons just one table farther away.

quicklist: 5category: Surprising Ways to Eat Healthy at Restaurants title: Ask for a tall glassurl:text:We tend to underestimate how much liquid is in short tumblers—which is why bartenders typically pour 27 percent more alcohol into short glasses than tall ones, according to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research. The flip side of this optical illusion: By sipping your caipirinha from a tall glass, you'll have fewer calories without feeling deprived.

quicklist: 6category: Surprising Ways to Eat Healthy at Restaurants title: At a buffet, make a beeline for the fruiturl:text:"The first food a person selects triggers what they take next," wrote researchers in a 2013 Plos Onestudy on buffet patrons. For their experiment, they split 124 breakfast diners into two groups: One navigated a bar that started with cheesy eggs and ended with fruit; the other group faced a buffet table in the reverse order. Of the people who encountered cheesy eggs first, 76 percent served themselves the (deliciously gooey) calorie bomb—compared with 29 percent of people in the fruit-first group. And those who took cheesy eggs at the start were more likely to pile on bacon and potatoes. At dinner? Head to the salad station first.

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