4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pet

Make sure your favorite furry companion is healthy too.

quicklist: 1category: 4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pettitle: Pay your pet a visiturl:text:

13 Fun Ways to Work Out With You Dog

quicklist: 2category: 4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pettitle: Make walks a musturl:text:You may think your dog is playing while you're at work, but there's a good chance it's lounging around. A rule of thumb: Don't trust that your pup is active unless you or a dog walker is there to confirm it, or you have a canine fitness tracker like Tagg or Whistle. To ensure your pooch is moving enough, walk him for 30 minutes a day, the amount most dogs need.

quicklist: 3category: 4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pettitle: Work up to a runurl:text:"Any dog and breed can be a capable running buddy," says Dr. Ward. A Chihuahua probably won't be able to log a 5K, but it may want to do short sprints with you. As for dogs more suited for distance, like golden retrievers, you should ramp it up gradually. "Because your dog loves you, it'll have the mental stamina to stick with you, but it could injure itself if it's not physically ready," says Jeffrey Werber, DVM, founder of Century Veterinary Group in Los Angeles. Dr. Ward suggests increasing time by 10 percent a week—and be sure to stop for water breaks. Also, wait until your pooch is 18 months to two years old before running—dogs' joints aren't mature until then.

How Pets Improve Your Health

quicklist: 4category: 4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pettitle: Get cats fit, toourl:text:

"A cat's favorite pastimes are relaxing and eating," says Deborah Elliott, DVM, founder of VETDispatch in Flanders, N.J. "That's why exercise is so crucial." Aim for your kitty to have two or three five-minute intense play periods per day. To get both of you moving, run around your house and up the stairs with a laser pointer—cats go crazy for them.

quicklist: 5category: 4 Ways to Get Slim With Your Pettitle: Signs Your Pet May Be Packing Extra Poundsurl:text:

Not sure if your animal buddy is on the heavier side? These checks can help you tell if you should take it to the vet. (Note: The tests may not work well for some naturally heftier breeds, like English bulldogs.)

10 Rules for Raising a Healthy Dog

The rib checkYou should be able to lightly feel ribs if you rub on them. If you're pushing through more than an inch of jelly, your pet is probably too chubby.

The sagging tummy testLook at your dog or cat from the side. It's a red flag if the belly is sagging or dragging. And as in humans, belly fat is the most dangerous kind of fat.

15 Best Dog Breeds for Active People

The hourglass testObserve your dog or cat from above. You should see an indentation, like an hourglass shape. More of a blimp? Time to get in shape.

This article originally appeared on Health.com.