European Refugee Crisis: How To Help

Hundreds of thousands have required aid in fleeing Syria.

A spokesman for the organization confirmed to ABC News that they have been helping with rescues in the Mediterranean Sea since May, assisting almost 15,000 people in roughly four months.

The International Rescue Committee has been helping refugees in Greece by working on processing and evacuating the individuals as they pass through the Greek island of Lesbos.

The group has been focusing on providing clean water and safe sanitation methods in the Kara Tempe refugee camp on the island and informing new arrivals of their legal rights, according to the charity's website.

"What [refugees are] most angry about is that they get absolutely no information about the registration process and how they can get off the island quickly," IRC emergency field director Kirk Day said in a post on the charity's blog. "We have found that by providing access to that information, we’re gaining the population’s trust."

UNICEF is focusing on providing aid for the millions of children affected by the crisis.

That aid includes counseling, food, water and educational materials for the many who are missing school during this crisis.

Synthetic sleeping mats, tents and thermal fleece blankets are among the items that the UNHCR is providing to refugees.

"The selfless generosity of private citizens and civil society organizations reaching out to welcome and help the new arrivals is truly inspiring," UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said in a release on Sept. 4, though he went on to say that Europe must determine the long-term response.

Here are links to each of the organizations:



Doctors Without Borders

The International Rescue Committee