Everything You Need to Know About the Iran Nuclear Negotiations

Negotiations are underway with Iran over the nuclear compromise.

— -- A Brief History

What Was The Interim Deal?

How Close Are They To A Final Deal?

What Are The Stumbling Blocks?

The negotiations are intensely focused right now on the pace and scope of sanctions relief for the Iranians. All that the West wants is to stop Iran’s pathway to a bomb; and all Iran wants is economic relief. What the Iranians care about most is lifting the United Nations sanctions. Those sanctions prevent Iran from doing business with the US, but also from most of the industrialized world. Publicly the Iranians are saying they will not allow inspection of military sites. But for the U.S. that is a non-starter; and officials say indeed the Iranians will concede this point. The negotiating parties are stuck on which sanctions to lift and when, and by what verification process. Also critical in this debate is the issue of snapping back sanctions.

What Is Snap Back?

Could The Deadline Slide Back?

It’s very possible the deadline could slide back yet again, but likely by only a matter of days. The State Department has held firm in public statements that it is focused on getting a deal done by June 30, but other foreign ministers involved in the talks, as well as U.S. officials who have spoken privately, acknowledge the real possibility that the date could move beyond that.

What Would A Final Deal Look Like?

Similar to the interim deal, officials say nothing is going to be signed on the dotted line. You won’t see that photo op with Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Zarif seated at a table, signing a leather bound document and shaking hands for the cameras. But there will be a document, perhaps as long as a 100 pages, a state department official said, detailing the agreement. “It’s never been about signatures," one official said. "It’s always been about actions and verification.”