ISIS Teaches Children How to Behead in Training Camps

Boys say instructors show them how to decapitate dolls with kitchen knives.

When his father opposed his son's conscription, ISIS fighters threatened to kill him. Mohammad left for camp, which his father describes as a form of “brainwashing the children.”

After his return, his mother says she was surprised to find in his bag a blond, blue-eyed doll – along with a large knife given to her son by his ISIS supervisors. When she confronted Mohammad, he told her that the camp manager had distributed the dolls and asked that the children decapitate them using the knife, and that they were asked to cover the dolls' faces when they performed the decapitation.

It was his homework: practice beheading a toy likeness of a blond, white Westerner.

Those living in the eastern city say ISIS has instituted rules banning traditional children's games and forcibly conscripting children to ISIS. They say ISIS is recruiting children under 15 to special ISIS camps established to introduce minors to the foundations of their brand of Islam.

Mohammed said that older kids were asked to show the rest of the group how to decapitate dolls. Anyone who failed to perform the task was punished.

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“Nowadays, it’s the children in Raqqa who come out to see the executions and crucifixions carried out by ISIS,” the father says.

Mohammad’s mother says many other families also fled Raqqa due to forced child conscriptions.

“The regime hasn’t spared its arms, using everything they have against us," she says. "Then ISIS tries to teach our children that they should consider us infidels and cut off our heads.”

This article originally appeared on Syria Deeply.