Russia-Ukraine updates: Putin says 'certain positive movements' in negotiations

A third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine ended without any resolution.

Russian forces are continuing their attempted push through Ukraine from multiple directions, while Ukrainians, led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, are putting up "stiff resistance," according to U.S. officials.

The attack began Feb. 24, when Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a "special military operation."

Russian forces moving from neighboring Belarus toward Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, have advanced closer to the city center in recent days despite the resistance, coming within about 9 miles as of Friday.

Russia has been met by sanctions from the United States, Canada and countries throughout Europe, targeting the Russian economy as well as Putin himself.

For previous coverage, please click here.

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Israeli prime minister meets with Putin

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's office said he is meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin Saturday evening.

The two last spoke on Wednesday. Bennett's office said the White House is aware of the meeting.

The prime minister is being accompanied by several Israeli advisers including Dr. Eyal Hulata, Shimrit Meir and the prime minister’s spokesperson, Matan Sidi. Israeli Construction and Housing Minister, Zeev Elkin, is also attending the meeting and assisting with language translation.

-ABC News' Bruno Nota

Russia claims troops took control of more settlements, damaged Ukraine's military infrastructure

Russia's Defense Ministry on Saturday claimed its troops continued to disable military infrastructure in Ukraine and took control of Ukrainian settlements.

Russia claimed its troops took control of seven Ukrainian settlements and that Russian-backed troops in Donetsk moved 7 kilometers forward, Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing.

"Units of the Russian Armed forces are advancing as a wide front and have taken control over populated areas of Mala Tokmachka, Marfopil, Remivka, Novokarlivka, Orlinske, Volodine and Malynivka," Konashenkov said.

Konashenkov claimed that Luhansk's Russian-backed troops took hold of the settlements of Golikove, Nevske and Katerynivka.

Russia claimed it destroyed five radar stations and two Buk M-1 air defense systems and that it downed four Su-27 aircrafts over Zhytomyr and one Su-27 aircraft near Nizhyn, according to Konashenkov.

Konashenkov also said that Russian troops are resuming their offensive "due to the Ukrainian side's unwillingness to influence the nationalists or prolong the ceasefire," Konashenkov said.

-ABC News' Anastasia Bagaeva

US State Department tells Americans to depart Russia 'immediately'

The U.S. State Department on Saturday updated its travel advisory for Russia amid the war in Ukraine and Russia's tightening crackdown on dissent, reporting and travel and the worsening economic situation, including declined credit cards and cash shortages.

"U.S. citizens should depart immediately," the advisory warns, adding, "If you wish to depart Russia, you should make arrangements on your own as soon as possible."

The State Department warned Americans, "If you plan to stay in Russia, understand the U.S. Embassy has severe limitations on its ability to assist U.S. citizens, and conditions, including transportation options, may change suddenly."

The State Department further warned U.S. citizens may be harassed by "Russian government security officials" or face "arbitrary enforcement of local law," something they've warned about for years.

The U.S. embassy has issued detailed instructions on how to flee the country, including over land borders by car and bus as well as limited flights.

-ABC News' Conor Finnegan

Russia says it is restarting offensive operations in cease-fire areas

Russia’s Defense Ministry on Saturday announced it will now begin offensive actions again in Ukraine, having never observed the cease-fire it announced earlier in the morning.

A Defense Ministry spokesman, in a briefing, accused Ukraine’s government of failing to restrain “nationalists” or observe the cease-fire saying, “at 18:00 Moscow-time offensive actions are renewed.”

In reality, Russia has continued to shell Mariupol and Volnovakha in Ukraine’s east throughout the day, despite having declared a temporary cease-fire and humanitarian corridor to allow civilians to leave.

Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of using the cease-fire period to move forces closer to Ukrainian positions.

The International Committee of the Red Cross has said evacuations could not take place today because of shelling. The ICRC branch in Donetsk told ABC News earlier, that its team in Mariupol was forced to take shelter because of shelling.

-ABC News' Patrick Reevell

UN has credible reports of Russian cluster bomb use, attacks on health care

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has "received credible reports of several cases of Russian forces using cluster munitions, including in populated areas," spokesperson Elizabeth Throssell said Friday.

"Due to their wide-area effects, the use of cluster munitions in populated areas is incompatible with international humanitarian law principles," Throssell said.

Throssell added, "We remind Russian authorities that directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects as well as so-called bombardment in towns and villages and other forms of indiscriminate attacks are prohibited under international law and may amount to war crimes."

To date, there have been 26 attacks on health care facilities in Ukraine, killing at least 12 people and injuring 34 people, according to Jašarević. Two of those killed and eight of the injured were healthcare workers.

That number is "shocking," said Throssell.

Throssell and WHO spokesperson Tarik Jašarević declined to pin the blame for all of them on Russia.

This number of attacks includes Wednesday's strike on a children's hospital and maternity ward in Mariupol. On Thursday, Russian officials claimed that the attack was staged, but they first confirmed they bombed it and claimed the hospital was being used by Ukrainian "radicals."

Throssell told reporters that is not true; "It was a functioning hospital," she said.

-ABC News' Conor Finnegan