Russia-Ukraine updates: Putin says 'certain positive movements' in negotiations

A third round of talks between Russia and Ukraine ended without any resolution.

Russian forces are continuing their attempted push through Ukraine from multiple directions, while Ukrainians, led by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, are putting up "stiff resistance," according to U.S. officials.

The attack began Feb. 24, when Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a "special military operation."

Russian forces moving from neighboring Belarus toward Ukraine's capital, Kyiv, have advanced closer to the city center in recent days despite the resistance, coming within about 9 miles as of Friday.

Russia has been met by sanctions from the United States, Canada and countries throughout Europe, targeting the Russian economy as well as Putin himself.

For previous coverage, please click here.

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Starbucks suspends operations in Russia 'immediately'

Starbucks announced Tuesday it will immediately suspend all its operations in Russia, condemning the "horrific attacks on Ukraine by Russia."

"We continue to watch the tragic events unfold and, today, we have decided to suspend all business activity in Russia, including shipment of all Starbucks products," the company's chief executive officer, Kevin Johnson, said in a statement.

The company said its licensed partner agreed to immediately pause store operations and provide support for its nearly 2,000 workers.

"Through this dynamic situation, we will continue to make decisions that are true to our mission and values and communicate with transparency," Johnson said.

-ABC News' William Gretsky

McDonald's to temporarily close restaurants, pause operations in Russia

McDonald's announced Tuesday it is temporarily closing its restaurants and pausing operations in Russia, as a result of the invasion of Ukraine.

"The conflict in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis in Europe has caused unspeakable suffering to innocent people. As a System, we join the world in condemning aggression and violence and praying for peace," the company's chief executive officer, Chris Kempczinski, said in a statement.

McDonald's employs 62,000 people in Russia, operating in 850 communities, the company said. It will continue paying salaries for all its employees in Russia.

"Our values mean we cannot ignore the needless human suffering unfolding in Ukraine," said Kempczinski.

Kempczinski said it is impossible to predict when the company will be reopening its restaurants.

"We are experiencing disruptions to our supply chain along with other operational impacts. We will also closely monitor the humanitarian situation," Kempczinski said.

-ABC News' William Gretsky

Poland says it's 'ready' to hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to US air base in Germany

Poland announced Tuesday it is "ready" to "immediately" hand over all its MiG-29 fighter jets to a U.S. air base in Germany to boost Ukraine's fight against Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has asked the West and NATO to supply Ukraine with fighter jets.

The Polish government said in a statement that will provide its Russian-made MiGs to the Rammstein Air Base "free of charge," placing them "at the disposal" of the U.S. government, and asked the United States to backfill them "with used aircrafts with corresponding operational capabilities."

"The Polish Government also requests other NATO Allies -- owners of MiG-29 jets -- to act in the same vein," the statement added.

A senior U.S. defense official told ABC News: "We have seen the Polish government’s announcement and have nothing to offer at this time."

A spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State told ABC News they are working with the Polish government and consulting with NATO allies on this.

"This is Poland's sovereign decision to make. We have in no way opposed Poland transferring planes to Ukraine. There are a number of challenging practical question," the spokesperson said. "In the meantime, we continue to surge security assistance for Ukraine and deliveries are ongoing."

A senior U.S. diplomat told ABC News that the U.S. was not "pre-consulted" on this news. U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that she found out about Poland's announcement while driving to Capitol Hill to testify.

"To my knowledge, it wasn't pre-consulted with us that they plan to give these planes to us, but as you know, we have been having consultations with them for a couple of days now about this request from the Ukrainians to receive this aircraft, and, were they to donate them, whether we would be able to help support backfill in their own security need," Nuland said.

-ABC News' Christine Theodorou and Luis Martinez

Editor's note: This post was updated to reflect the correct fighter jet models as MiG-29s, not MiG-19s.

Ukraine claims Russian general was killed in fighting near Kharkiv

Ukrainian intelligence claimed Tuesday that a Russian general was killed in fighting near the eastern city of Kharkiv. If confirmed, this would be the second general Russia has lost in Ukraine in a week, according to reports from Russian media last week.

Ukraine’s defense intelligence agency identified the general as Vitaly Gerasimov, chief of staff of the 41st Army.

Ukraine’s defense intelligence agency also published audio of an alleged intercepted phone call between two officers from Russia’s FSB intelligence agency discussing Gerasimov’s death.

Russia has not confirmed or denied the death.

The executive director of the open source group Bellingcat, Christo Grozev, said he had confirmed Gerasimov’s death with a Russian source. Grosev said Bellingcat had also identified the FSB officer in the alleged recording.

Last week, the 41st Army’s deputy commander, Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, was confirmed by Russian media to have been killed.

-ABC News' Patrick Reevell

UN has credible reports of Russian cluster bomb use, attacks on health care

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has "received credible reports of several cases of Russian forces using cluster munitions, including in populated areas," spokesperson Elizabeth Throssell said Friday.

"Due to their wide-area effects, the use of cluster munitions in populated areas is incompatible with international humanitarian law principles," Throssell said.

Throssell added, "We remind Russian authorities that directing attacks against civilians and civilian objects as well as so-called bombardment in towns and villages and other forms of indiscriminate attacks are prohibited under international law and may amount to war crimes."

To date, there have been 26 attacks on health care facilities in Ukraine, killing at least 12 people and injuring 34 people, according to Jašarević. Two of those killed and eight of the injured were healthcare workers.

That number is "shocking," said Throssell.

Throssell and WHO spokesperson Tarik Jašarević declined to pin the blame for all of them on Russia.

This number of attacks includes Wednesday's strike on a children's hospital and maternity ward in Mariupol. On Thursday, Russian officials claimed that the attack was staged, but they first confirmed they bombed it and claimed the hospital was being used by Ukrainian "radicals."

Throssell told reporters that is not true; "It was a functioning hospital," she said.

-ABC News' Conor Finnegan