Prince Harry to Become Helicopter Pilot

The prince of Wales completes army pilot course, can fly helicopters.

LONDON, April 30, 2010— -- Prince Harry can now, legitimately, take to the skies. The young royal has successfully completed his helicopter training course.

"Instructors assessed Prince Harry as capable of being an Apache or a Lynx pilot," according to a statement by the British Ministry of Defense.

Harry, now dubbed his royal "flyness," will be "presented with his Provisional Wings by his father, The Prince of Wales," in a graduation ceremony May 7, according to the British military.

The prince next has to decide which helicopter he will fly. "Prince Harry is very pleased," a St. James's Palace spokesman said. "He will give the matter serious consideration over the next few days before inputting his preference."

Harry, 25, had said he was taking the course to increase his chances of being sent back to Afghanistan.

"I'm really enjoying it and, as everyone knows, it's my easiest way of getting back to the front line," he told reporters. "Maybe safer, maybe not, I don't know.

"To get out to Afghanistan again would be fantastic and my best chance is to do it from a helicopter."

Flying is in this family's royal blood: Harry's older brother, William, is learning to fly search-and-rescue choppers.

Prince Charles, his father, qualified as a helicopter pilot in 1974, and his uncle, Prince Andrew, flew a Royal Navy helicopter during the Falklands War.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.