Secretary of State John Kerry Emerges From Hospital on Crutches

Kerry broke his femur in a cycling accident outside Geneva on May 31.

He’d been there for over a week recovering from surgery to set a femur that he broke in a cycling accident outside Geneva on May 31.

“I’ll tell you ... when you’re feeling a little down, that’s nice,” Kerry said.

Kerry said he’ll be back in Washington next week after spending the weekend with his wife at his Boston home, not far from the hospital.

“I will be absolutely, fully and totally engaged in those talks," Kerry said. “I am now. I haven’t missed a tick.”

Kerry said he would travel to Vienna in the coming days to push the talks forward.

Kerry’s long-time orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Dennis Burke, released a statement this afternoon saying Kerry is “ambulating independently on crutches and working hard with physical therapy toward a full recovery, which we anticipate will occur in several months’ time.”

“I’ll be on these sticks for a little while,” Kerry said, referring to his crutches.