Top Israel officials to meet with US national security adviser Jake Sullivan Thursday

The meeting comes amid new tensions with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The move comes amid new tensions between the Biden administration and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over a video he made in which he complains that the U.S is blocking arms shipments amid Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza -- a claim the U.S. denies

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will also meet with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in the coming days.

While Biden administration officials are saying that that high-level meeting was never fully finalized on the schedule, other sources inside the White House say there was frustration over Netanyahu’s video and it did affect the decision not to hold the meeting.

Administration officials said that what Netanyahu said in his video is “beyond the pale," no other country is supporting Israel more than the U.S. and the U.S. only pausing one shipment of 2,000 pound bombs over concerns the imprecise weapons could cause extensive civilian deaths but that everything else is still flowing.

ABC News' Shannon Crawford contributed to this report.