‘Cybervandalism’: ISIS Supporters Hijack US Military Social Media Accounts

Group calling themselves CyberCaliphate takes over US Central Command account.

Central Command spokesperson Col. Patrick Ryder confirmed the compromise and said the military is "taking appropriate measures to address the matter."

Later, the command said its operational networks were “not compromised” and that there was “no operational impact to U.S. Central Command.”

“We are viewing this purely as a case of cybervandalism,” the CENTCOM statement said.

When it had control, the group posted a message saying, “American soldiers, we are coming, watch your back,” and then what the group claimed to be contact information for dozens of personnel.

CENTCOM's YouTube account, which has been hosting videos of American airstrikes on ISIS targets, now includes pro-ISIS videos.

CENTCOM said that no classified information was posted and that “none of the information posted came from CENTCOM’s server or social media sites.”

As of this report, both the Twitter and YouTube accounts have been suspended.

The same group claimed to be behind attacks on the websites and social media accounts of local American news stations earlier this month.