Mom in Labor Dances Between Contractions

Pain is for the weak. Just dance.

— -- You might picture a woman in labor writhing in pain and screaming for ice chips.

That woman is not Akilah Wooten.

While in labor at the Atlanta Medical Center, Wooten decided she would not settle for the squats recommended to move the baby down. She decided she would Whip Nae Nae -- the popular dance that goes with Silento's hit “Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)."

"I rounded the corner and there she was with her sister and cousin dancing. I had to film it," Ruffin added.

Ruffin said she thinks the dancing "definitely helped" speed up Wooten's labor. "Every time I checked her the baby had moved down," noted Ruffin.

Wooten gave birth to a 9 lb, 6.5 ounce baby girl just a few hours later.