'PregFit' Mom Claims Avoiding 'PregFat' Is Key to Easy Pregnancy and Labor

She's 14 weeks pregnant with her sixth child.

— -- Her last pregnancy was a breeze, her labor was just 15 minutes long, she says, and fitness mom Sharny Kieser claims she knows exactly why.

She got "PregFit" instead of "PregFat."

"All I did to go from being pregFAT to pregFIT was to see pregnancy for what it really was. An experience to cherish. Sitting at a coffee shop eating cakes is not something that empowered me. Sure, it tastes good and nobody is going to judge you because you're pregnant. But the excess fat you put on has to come back off some time," Kieser said.

It "was never about body image or body fat," Kieser said. "For me it was just about eating to fuel me and my pregnancy best. I wanted to have energy. Eating highly processed crap all day just made me tired and lethargic."

Kieser said she hopes "mums see there is an alternative way. I didn't want to be the tired, sore, exhausted mother any more. I wanted to experience this pregnancy to its absolute fullest potential. I wanted to be the best vessel for my baby to grow in."