ANALYSIS: Latest Trump revelation might be Republicans' breaking point

The Trump era has been a torrent of revelations.

The Trump era has been a torrent of revelations -- bombshell after bombshell, day after day.

“What the president discussed with the foreign minister was appropriate to that conversation and is consistent with the routine sharing of information between the president and any leaders with whom he's engaged,” McMaster said.

Almost every single other jaw-dropping incident in this still early presidency has been explained away by loyal Republicans, who prefer to focus on the “leakers” of classified information. McMaster adopted that same tack in the wake of this revelation, calling for more scrutiny on those who divulged the secret conversation between the president and the Russian officials.

Does the president get the same scrutiny or is that just talk on the stump?

The reveal, as well as boasting, by the president, according to the Post, figures to rock the president’s standing and perception in the world community, just as he sets to leave on his first foreign trip, and means more eyes on a trip that couldn’t be more closely watched.

But when do the cries and anger get louder? Is there concern the president could be reckless with secret intelligence on this upcoming trip? The American people are likely concerned, but what about Congress?

Obviously, the center of this story -- as well as the blame -- goes to the White House and the president himself. How can Trump be advised and controlled, from secret intelligence to tweeting?

It’s for the good of the country that his staff, as well as GOP allies in Congress, figure out a way to stop the president from engaging in more destructive behavior. It’s long past time.