Bernie Sanders Vows to 'Fight All the Way to Philadelphia' Convention

"The election is not over yet," he told "Good Morning America.”

Sanders even talked about pulling off a miracle in the delegate-rich state of Pennsylvania.

“We’ve won 16 states already. I think we're got a chance to win some more today and out West where I think we have a very good chance to win the largest state in this country, California.”

“The election is not over yet,” Sanders said “We are here today competing in five states. We have ten more states to go after this.

Sanders’ again vowed to take his campaign, and his progressive agenda, all the way to the Democratic Party’s convention this summer. “We're going to fight all the way to the Philadelphia convention and we're going to win as many delegates as we can and we believe we do have a path toward victory,” he added.

Four of the five states voting today have closed primaries, which the Vermont senator again lamented, saying it “handicapped” his campaign.

Sanders has outperformed Clinton among independents who are only able to vote in states with open primaries.