Christie Inches Closer to 2016 with State of the State Address, Calls for an 'American Renewal'

Gov. Christie touts accomplishments in his home state.

Christie detailed successes he said happened on his watch, themes he would likely reprise if he does run for president, but he also used the annual address to the state's lawmakers to hit the Obama administration, making the speech sound at times like the campaign had already begun.

Though it might be in the heat of a presidential campaign he promised to "be standing here" for next year's State of the State address, getting laughs and applause from Republicans in the chamber.

Christie said the "wisest words" he heard on the 2014 campaign trail came from an 82-year-old woman in Florida who asked him, "What’s happened to our country? We used to control events. Now events control us."

He said it would be New Jersey who would lead this national renewal, telling the audience, "Let me be clear. We need to address this anxiety head on. We need to renew the spirit and the hopes of our state, our country and our people."

Christie also touted victories in the state including bail reform, a cap on property tax rates, pension reform, and helping those addicted to drugs get treatment over prison, among other issues.

"We are here to say to the governor that he needs to stay in New Jersey and finish the job," Keady said. "I believe we have a moral responsibility to let the country know that it's a lot of talk, there are brilliant dog and pony shows that he does, but the substance of his tenure, New Jersey is a mess."

Both national and state Democrats also criticized Christie, for what they said was a national not New Jersey focus.

Democratic assemblyman John Wisniewski, co-chairman of the state legislative committee that investigated the George Washington Bridge lane closures scandal, said Christie was "neglecting" New Jersey because of his national ambitions.

Even before Christie took the stage national Democrats also hit the Garden State governor releasing a video detailing the serious fiscal problems the state is facing, including credit downgrades, and teasing Christie for putting the state "firstish."