Democrats Finalize Exceptionally Progressive Party Platform

Only opposition to the TPP did not make it into the platform.

The platform is expected to be formally adopted at the party’s national convention in Philadelphia at the end of the month.

"This disastrous trade deal would make it easier for multi-national corporations to ship jobs overseas, harm the environment, undermine democracy and increase prescription drug prices for some of the most desperate people in the world," Gunnels said. "We will continue fighting to protect American jobs and to ensure Congress does not pass this disastrous trade agreement."

Democracy for America's Charles Chamberlain echoed his frustration.

By a narrow vote of 81-80, the full committee voted Saturday in Orlando to include language encouraging the federal government to remove marijuana from its list as a Class 1 federally controlled substance and provide a "reasoned pathway for future legislation."

In addition, the committee passed an amendment Friday night that was introduced by Sanders' surrogate for Ohio state senator Nina Turner supporting a $15 per hour federal minimum wage.

"Raising the federal minimum wage sets the moral standard in this country that we, as Democrats, affirm over and over again that ensuring that we don't leave a sister or a brother behind is how we roll," Turner said.