Donald Trump Fires Back at Elizabeth Warren With Past Critique of Hillary Clinton

The Massachusetts Democrat hasn’t always been in Clinton’s corner.

In a 2004 interview with Bill Moyers, before Warren became a senator, she discussed meeting Clinton and her position on bankruptcy legislation at the time, then how she felt it changed when she became a senator.

Warren added, “She has taken money from the groups, and more to the point, she worries about them as a constituency.”

And Trump is already using Warren’s past comments to remind his Twitter followers that Warren was not always on Team Clinton. The presumptive Republican nominee tweeted a five-minute video of the Moyers interview on Friday.

“Pocahontas describing Crooked Hillary Clinton as a Corporate Donor Puppet. Time for change!” Trump tweeted with a link to the video.

Clinton explained that she agreed to support the bankruptcy bill in return for a provision that would protect the rights of women receiving child support if their spouse went into bankruptcy.

“I have the greatest respect for Senator Warren. As I said, we did work together,” Clinton told Stephanopoulos. “I faced a choice. I could have said to the women who have been my advocates for 30 years, I'm sorry. I'm now in the Senate. But you know, I can't help you. Nobody else was helping them. They were desperate to get help. They were afraid that child support was going to be below credit card debt, that they were going to be really left out and left behind and badly damaged.”

Clinton added, “I got what I needed into the bill. It stayed in the bill, even in a bad version that I posed in 2005.”