Donald Trump: The Floyd Mayweather of Politics

The latest column from Matthew Dowd.

If you look at all the interest and excitement surrounding Trump's entrance in this race, the coverage dealing with his daily utterances, the forgiveness of his fans for mess ups, and the way he manages his brand, it is eerily familiar to the prize fighter Floyd Mayweather. From the brandishing of their logos on everything, Mayweather having the ubiquitous caps emblazoned with the Money Team to Trump's Making America Great Again, they each have an ability to capture part of our culture and market themselves exquisitely.

Many react to their bravado and the “in your face” attitude by saying "isn't that over the top" or too much, but folks run to be around them or near them or buy their expensive tickets to fight night. Both Mayweather and Trump are essentially some of the best salesman and showmen on the planet. And their extreme wealth isn’t off-putting to regular folks, but an attraction. They both have an intuitive understanding of the entertainment world that many respond to in America today. Would we want Mayweather to be our father or our spouse? Most would say definitely not. But we watch his fights and talk about him when he does something outlandish.

Do we want Donald Trump to be leader of the free world and are we prepared to vote him into office as President of the United States? I don't know, and this is his biggest obstacle ahead. He can get the crowds and the attention, grab the media, ensure that we are all talking about him, but in the end are voters ready to give him the keys to the White House? Much will depend on him and his growth in the course of the campaign, and much will depend on us. Yes, we are attracted to his no-holds-barred strength and unapologetic ways he stands, but do we prefer seriousness to selfish in our leaders?

The question in the end for any leader is how does one use celebrity, wealth or their ability to capture popular culture, or instinctual sense of what the public responds to. Does the person use it merely for an ego driven self-aggrandizement, or to get even richer, or as a way to manifest power for its own sake in some narcissistic attention-seeking mode? Or does the person want to use it for good to take the country and our communities to a better place? To bring us together to move forward and to make us feel better about each other and ourselves? To solve the huge problems that confronts our world?

There you have it.

Matthew Dowd is an ABC News analyst and special correspondent. Opinions expressed in this column do not reflect the views of ABC News.