Donald Trump on Jeb Bush Attacks: 'I Think He Had No Choice'

"It seems to be backfiring, based on the polls," Trump said.

“It seems to be backfiring, based on the polls. It seems to be somewhat backfiring on Jeb," Trump added. "So far everyone that has attacked me has gone down. Let’s see what happens."

Bush’s new video, released Tuesday on his Twitter account @JebBush, entitled “The Real Donald Trump,” is almost entirely comprised of old interview clips that Trump participated in.

It begins with Trump speaking these words [from 1999], "I lived in New York City, in Manhattan all my life so my views are a little different than if I lived in Iowa.”

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asks he if identifies more as a Democrat or a Republican. Trump responds, “you'd be shocked if I said that, in many cases, I probably identify more as a Democrat.”

Trump told Stephanopoulos today that when he was solely focused on business, he had to play nice. “That was my obligation. ... They termed me a world-class businessman," he said.

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