Donald Trump Wins Oregon GOP Primary, AP Reports

Trump is still short of the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.

All voting in Oregon is done by mail. Voters had until 11 p.m. ET to turn in their ballots.

When asked if he had any regrets, Trump told Kelly that he doesn't think his campaign would have been successful if he hadn't "fought back the way I fought back."

Trump also responded frankly when Kelly asked if the campaign would have "all been for nothing" if he does not become president.

"If I don't win, I will consider it to be a total and complete waste of time and energy," the GOP frontrunner said.

Kelly and Trumped ended their back-and-forth feud on April 13 during an hour-long meeting in Trump's office at Trump Tower in New York.

The Trump Make America Great Again Committee is a joint fundraising committee between the RNC and Trump.