Gorsuch 'Not Afraid to Say What He Thinks,' Senator Says

Sen. Steve Daines spoke to the "Powerhouse Politics" podcast.

“It tells me this guy’s honest ... he’s not afraid to say what he thinks,” Daines said. “Isn’t that what we want in a Supreme Court justice?”

This morning, Trump sent out a tweet suggesting that Blumenthal misrepresented Gorsuch’s words. But Daines said Trump’s Twitter habits didn’t come up in the conversation.

“We didn’t talk about who’s tweeting what,” Daines said. “I focused more on his philosophies, his view of the Constitution, his view ... around the appropriate role of the federal government, individual rights.”

However, he doesn’t think Trump’s reaction reflects poorly on the president either.

“We have a president that moves at the speed of business, not at the speed of government,” Daines said. “He doesn’t change his colors depending on the situation.”

Daines said that while King’s letter is getting the most attention, it was Warren’s reading of Kennedy’s words that started triggering the rule. He also said that he did not know McConnell would interject before he did.

“There wasn’t some kind of political calculation looking at it,” Daines said. “Rule XIX frankly is pretty clear. ... It didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman, if it was a Democrat or a Republican ... at some point I think the rules need to apply.”

Ultimately, Daines said all members of government -- whether in the executive, legislative or judicial branch -- need to be accountable for the way they conduct themselves.

“I think there should be a call to turn the temperature down a little bit,” Daines said. “To restore civility and statesmanship, no matter what you believe in. ... When somebody goes low, both sides ought to go high.”