Harry Reid Could Lose Eyesight After Exercise Injury

Nevada senator says no "slam dunk" right eye will recover.

“The band broke, and it catapulted me backwards onto one side,” Reid said. “I crashed into a series of cabinets we have and, fortunately, it missed my temple by just a little tiny bit and it hit me on my right eye and it broke a number of bones around my eye and broke four ribs.”

Asked what he thought of suggestions that the accident indicates he doesn’t have the physical stamina to lead Senate Democrats, Reid answered, “I don’t know how many people out there could sit down and do 250 push-ups or do the strengthening exercises, I did with those bands hundreds and hundreds of times, hundreds of times every week, three times a week. So no one has to question my physical ability.

“I’ve been set back a little bit, but I’m in the process of getting set up for the next go around,” he said.

Reid said the accident hasn’t influenced whether he will run for re-election in 2016.