Hillary Clinton vs. Bernie Sanders: 4 Things to Watch for at Tonight's Democratic Debate

What to expect at tonight's sixth Democratic debate.

Here are 4 things to watch for at the show tonight.

At the podium tonight, Sanders will likely make a point of talking about criminal justice reform, immigration, deportation, and economic and social inequality as he continues his mad-dash to boost his name recognition among minority constituencies.

A Plea to Millennials: What minorities are to Sanders is what young people are to Clinton — but perhaps, even worse. In New Hampshire, Clinton lost the youth vote to Sanders by a whopping 68 points. Now she and her campaign are scrambling to figure out how to change their message to woo some of these millennial voters and tonight, Clinton will likely make a renewed pitch to this demographic. “I know I have some work to do, particularly with young people,” Clinton said at her concession speech on Tuesday. “Even if they are not supporting me now, I support them,” she added.

Accelerated Accusations over Wall Street Donations:Clinton accused Sanders of running a nasty campaign of insinuation and innuendo, during the last debate, arguing when Sanders’ talks about the campaign donations she and others have received from Wall Street he is implying that they have been bought or influenced. “If you’ve got something to say, say it,” she said to him straight on, in the most fiery exchanges in the race so far between the two Democratic candidates. In the week since, Sanders has stuck to his own talking points, but Clinton has changed hers. She accused the Vermont Senator of hypocrisy, citing the fact that he previously took money for his senate races from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and that the DSCC had in turn taken money from lobbyists with the financial industry. Sanders campaign called Clinton’s line of attack “absurd,” “false,” and “dishonest.” The question now – will Clinton standby those accusations on the main stage.

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