Why Hillary Clinton Emailed About Gefilte Fish

There appears to be a perfectly logical explanation.

— -- The great gefilte fish mystery may have been solved.

“Where are we on this?” Clinton wrote to two of her advisers on March 5, 2010. The subject line was simply, “Gefilte Fish.”

Why Clinton was emailing about the Jewish dish was unclear at first. Regardless, the Internet loved it.

But it appears the case has now been cracked. And the explanation is perfectly logical and work-related.

Clinton had pledged to help resolve the issue.

"I will take that mission on," she told Rep. Don Manzullo, R-Illinois.

Tablet Magazine’s Yair Rosenberg was the first to make the connection on Twitter, where he shared an excerpt of the former Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren's, memoir, 'Ally: My Journey Across the American-Israeli Divide,' in which he recalled the situation:

Clinton’s campaign has not confirmed if this is indeed what Clinton was emailing about, but the timing of it makes sense.

This is not the first time Clinton’s emails have raised eyebrows.

Two emails released by the State Department earlier this summer revealed that Clinton had meetings with an unidentified person referred to as “Santa.”

People wondered if Santa could be a code name for some high-powered Clinton associate, however it turned out Santa was simply the name of Clinton’s longtime hairdresser, Santa Nikkels.