House Democrat Condemns Holiday Immigration Raids

121 people were taken into custody in the raids.

— -- One House Democrat is voicing his opposition to the Obama administration taking 121 adults and children into custody over the weekend as part of an operation to deport undocumented immigrants from Central America.

“They are a cruel reminder of a discredited policy,” he said in the statement.

Johnson announced Monday that 121 individuals in the United States illegally were taken into custody over the weekend as part of a new effort to deport families that were apprehended after May 1, 2014 crossing the southern border illegally.

Although Johnson issued these new priorities in Nov. 2014, the ICE recently began operations to remove families who remained in the U.S. despite orders from a judge to return home.

“This should come as no surprise,” Johnson said in a statement. “I have said publicly for months that individuals who constitute enforcement priorities, including families and unaccompanied children, will be removed.”