John Kasich on Refusing Service to LGBT People: 'What the Hell Are We Doing in This Country?'

Kasich criticized a law in Mississippi allowing service denial to gay people.

"I read about this thing they did in Mississippi, where apparently you can deny somebody service because they're gay?" Kasich said during a town hall televised on CNN, where appeared with his wife and twin 16-year-old daughters. "What the hell are we doing in this country? I mean, look, I may not appreciate a certain lifestyle or even approve of it, but I can -- it doesn't mean I've got to go write a law and try to figure out how to have another wedge issue.”

Kasich told CBS News this weekend that he would not have signed North Carolina’s so-called "bathroom law," which bars local municipalities from prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation and directs public facilities to designate bathrooms for use by people based on their "biological sex." Critics say the law, which the state's governor signed last month, discriminates against gay and transgender residents, while supporters argue it defends religious liberty.