Pelosi elected to 4th term as House speaker

She’s the third speaker in the last 25 years to win with less than 218 votes.

President Donald Trump is slated to hand over control of the White House to President-elect Joe Biden in 17 days.


Overview: Trump signs pandemic relief after unemployment aid lapses, $2000 checks go to House vote

After days of opposition and hours before the federal government was going to shut down, Trump signed a $2.3 trillion bill into law Sunday night to avert a government shutdown and extend $900 billion in coronavirus pandemic relief -- but millions of American will be impacted by his delay.

Trump’s Sunday night signature came after two critical unemployment programs lapsed over the weekend, leaving roughly 14 million Americans who have relied on the income without a week of benefits during the holiday season. While the current bill shells out $600 direct payments for most Americans, Trump is breaking from his party by continuing his push to bring that amount to $2,000.

In a Sunday night statement announcing he had signed the bill, Trump -- who has sat on the sidelines of negotiations for months -- also called on Congress to make more revisions to cut down excess spending, saying "wasteful items need to be removed" from the bill and that he would send back a “redlined” version.

The move is forcing Senate Republicans, many who did not support more direct payments, to say whether they stand with Trump on increasing payments and revisiting the bill’s language or by their previous positions.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Monday is bringing a vote on a stand-alone bill to increase economic impact payments to $2,000 to the House floor, and while it’s expected to pass the House, it’s unclear whether Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will take up the measure in the Senate.

The president has no public events on his schedule as he continues his holiday from Mar-a-Lago, and threatens, via Twitter, a challenge to the counting of the Electoral College vote in Congress on Jan. 6.

Biden, meanwhile, is pressing forward with his transition with less than a month until his inauguration. The president-elect is slated to meet with members of his national security and foreign policy agency review teams on Monday and deliver afternoon remarks on their "findings and the key challenges his administration will inherit" from Wilmington, Delaware.

Biden paints dire picture of pandemic, vaccine distribution, in address to nation

Following a meeting with his COVID-19 task force, Biden delivered remarks on the state of the worsening coronavirus pandemic and slammed the Trump administration for falling behind its goal in distributing vaccines to Americans.

"As I long feared and warned, the effort to distribute and administer the vaccine is not progressing as it should," Biden said. "If it continues to move as it is now, it's going to take years, not months, to vaccinate the American people."

The president-elected noted how officials working on "Operation Warp Speed," the federal government's vaccine program, had predicted this month 20 million vaccinations by the end of the year, but with just a few days left in 2020, the Centers for Disease Control has recorded about 2.1 million Americans as having received a dose.

"This will take more time than anyone would like and more time than the promises from the Trump administration have suggested. This is going to be the greatest operational challenge we've ever faced as a nation," Biden said. "And we're going to get it done."

Biden repeated his intention to invoke the Defense Production Act to compel companies in the private sector to accelerate the production of materials needed for vaccines and testing, as well as protective gear. He also announced that his administration will launch a public education campaign to promote vaccine acceptance and equity.

"We're also going to make sure vaccines are distributed equitably, so every person who wants a vaccine can get it no matter the color of their skin or where they live. We're going to ensure vaccinations are free of charge," he said.

Biden, overall, painted a bleak picture of soaring infections and deaths in the coming weeks, acknowledging the "grim milestone" of the U.S. crossing 330,000 deaths and saying the county may not see improvement until March. He implored Americans to wear a mask and social distance in the meantime -- and called on Trump to set an example.

"It would make a huge difference for President Trump to say 'wear masks.' I hope the President will clearly and unambiguously urge all Americans to take the vaccine once it's available," he said.