Trump-Biden transition updates: At least 20 arrested, 1 stabbed at DC protests

The event was largely peaceful, but grew violent after crowds thinned at night.

President-elect Joe Biden is moving forward with transition plans, capping a tumultuous and tension-filled campaign during a historic pandemic against President Donald Trump, who still refuses to concede the election one week after Biden was projected as the winner of the presidential race.

Trump has largely hunkered down inside the White House since the election, but on Saturday his motorcade drove drove past supporters gathered to rally in Washington, D.C., on his way to play golf.

Biden, meanwhile, is pressing forward, meeting with transition advisers in Delaware and calling Trump's refusal to concede "an embarrassment."

The Biden transition team and the Trump administration are in a standoff over whether Biden should be granted access to federal resources allocated for the transition of power. The General Services Administration, headed by a Trump appointee, has yet to officially recognize Biden as the victor in the election, preventing Biden's team from gaining full access to government funds and security information.

But a growing number of Republican senators are calling on the administration to start giving Biden classified intelligence briefings, a sign that support for Trump's refusal to concede the election may be waning among his allies on Capitol Hill.


Arizona Sen. Martha McSally concedes to Sen.-elect Mark Kelly

Arizona's Sen. Martha McSally conceded to Democratic Senator-elect Mark Kelly Friday afternoon, one week after ABC News projected Kelly to be the winner.

"With nearly all the votes counted, I called Mark Kelly this morning to congratulate him on winning this race," she said in a statement. "I also offered support in his transition to ensure Arizonans are best served during this time."

McSally is currently trailing Kelly by 79,114 votes. Kelly outperformed Biden in the state by nearly 45,000 votes.

Kelly will serve the remaining two years of late Sen. John McCain's term. McSally was appointed to fill his seat and thanked Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey in the statement.

-ABC News' Meg Cunningham

Michigan judge denies lawsuit from poll challengers in Detroit

A Michigan judge has just denied a petition to block the certification of the 2020 election results in the heavily Democratic county that is home to Detroit, another legal setback for the Trump campaign, which has been pushing similar cases in several states.

The Michigan lawsuit brought by two Republican poll challengers, who leveled unfounded allegations of fraud, had also sought an independent audit of the election, which the judge also rejected.

Chief Judge Timothy M. Kenny described the plaintiff’s "interpretation" of events on Election Day as "incorrect and not credible."

At latest count, Biden leads Trump in Michigan by more than 148,000 votes.

-ABC News' Olivia Rubin

Projected Electoral College totals: 306-232

With the most recent projections of Arizona and Georgia for Biden, and North Carolina and Alaska for Trump, ABC News has now projected winners in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C.

The final projected Electoral College tally stands at 306 for Biden, 232 for Trump.

Check out a live map of 2020 election results here.

The numbers might look familiar. In 2016, it was 306 for Trump, 232 for Clinton, after all states were accounted for.

-ABC News' Political Director Rick Klein

Trump projected to win North Carolina

ABC News projects Trump will win the state of North Carolina, bringing his electoral votes to 232.