Biden falters in high-stakes debate, Trump spews falsehoods

The contest was seen as a test of each man's fitness for office.

In a historic clash of personality and policy, Joe Biden and Donald Trump took the stage for the first presidential debate of the 2024 election.

The showdown provided a rare opportunity for both candidates to move the needle in what has been a stubbornly tight race for the White House, but at the end of the night, Biden's halting performance raised new concerns among Democrats and cause Republicans to celebrate.

The debate was a rematch for Biden and Trump, who faced each other twice in 2020, but a first-of-its-kind format and a vastly different political landscape presented new challenges for the two rivals.


Trump says he will not block abortion pills

Trump, who had yet to clarify his stance on abortion medication, said he would not block access to the drug if elected.

Trump's not wrong about the inflation rate Biden inherited

Biden said he inherited 9% inflation. This is false. In January 2021, year-over-year inflation was about 1.4%. It peaked at 9.1% in June 2022. It's now down to 3.3%. During Trump's time in office, inflation rose by 7.76% from January 2017 to January 2021, and year-over-year inflation peaked at 2.9% in July 2018.

-538's Kaleigh Rogers

Biden opens debate with misleading 'bleach' talking point

Biden accused Trump of not taking the coronavirus pandemic seriously, saying Trump told Americans, "It's not that serious. Just inject a little bleach in your arm." That's Mostly False.

Trump's 2020 comments about treatments were criticized, but he didn't tell people to inject bleach. At a 2020 White House press briefing, Trump asked William Bryan, an undersecretary at the Department of Homeland Security, to study whether ultraviolet light could be effective "inside the body" to treat COVID-19 or whether disinfectants could combat the virus "by injection inside."

After Bryan said his lab did not study disinfectant injection, Trump clarified that using disinfectants "would not be through injection." Trump later told reporters he was being "sarcastic" when referring to injections.

-Analysis by Aaron Sharockman, PolitiFact

Trump asked about plan to impose 10% tariff on goods coming to US

Asked how he would ensure that his plan to impose a 10% tariff on all goods coming to the U.S. wouldn't drive prices higher Trump said it won't drive them higher but will force countries like China to "pay us a lot of money" and "give us a lot of power for other things," though didn't elaborate.

How Americans feel going into the debate

After tonight's debate, there will be a rush to anoint a "winner" and a "loser," but the only way we can really do that is once we have data on how the debate will actually affect people’s votes. To that end, 538 partnered with Ipsos to poll the same group of likely voters both before and after the debate to see how their attitudes change. Here are some of the key findings from our pre-debate poll, which was conducted using Ipsos' KnowledgePanel.

First, we asked respondents to rate how well they thought each candidate would perform in the debate tonight on a five-point scale. On average, Trump got a score of 2.96 out of 5, and Biden got a score of 2.58 out of 5. In other words, expectations are significantly lower for Biden tonight, which could end up helping him -- even a so-so performance from Biden would exceed most people's expectations.

It looks like the reason people have such low expectations for Biden is his advanced age. We also asked respondents to grade each candidate's physical, mental and emotional fitness on a five-point scale. On average, Biden got just a 2.3 out of 5 on physical fitness and a 2.4 out of 5 on mental fitness. Trump bested him on both of those measures, but Trump got only a 2.6 out of 5 on emotional fitness, which was lower than Biden's score.

We also asked voters what issues would have the most impact on their vote. Fifty percent ranked inflation or increasing costs as one of their top three issues, while 37% included immigration. Voters also said Trump would do a better job handling those issues than Biden, so it will be especially important for the president to show strength on these issues tonight.

Finally, we asked voters which candidates they were considering supporting. Heading into the debate, 44.8% of voters are at least considering voting for Trump, 44.5% are at least considering voting for Biden and 18.5% are at least considering voting for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who failed to qualify for the debate. (Respondents could say they were considering multiple candidates, which is why these numbers add up to more than 100%.) We'll ask voters the same question after the debate to see whether these numbers shift.

-538's Nathaniel Rakich