President 'bored' at hospital, not 'out of the woods'

Chief of staff Mark Meadows says he was "very concerned" on Friday.

The mystery surrounding the President Donald Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis and condition deepened Saturday after several rounds of confusing and contradictory information from the White House and the president's medical staff.

Amid the swirl of developments, sources told ABC News that Trump, who remains hospitalized, had been given supplemental oxygen and experienced shortness of breath, a potentially worrisome picture that appeared to contradict both the rosier statements from Trump's doctor and assessments that he was doing well both on Twitter and elsewhere.

Speaking outside Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on Saturday, Trump's physician would not offer a clear, declarative statement about whether the president had received oxygen treatment since testing positive.

The press pool was told soon after by a "source familiar with the president's health" that Trump's "vitals over last 24 hours were very concerning and the next 48 hours will be critical in terms of his care."

The lack of transparency and clarity from the White House contributed to a troubling pattern surrounding the events of the last week, including learning of Hope Hicks' diagnosis by a media leak, as the U.S. faces a potential crisis of governance just a month before the election.

Numerous questions remained including how many people at the highest levels of government had been exposed after a week of events involving the president where social distancing and mask-wearing were lax and the integrity of the testing efforts at the White House and elsewhere.

Since Trump announced he had coronavirus, Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Thom Tillis, Sen. Ron Johnson, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former White House adviser Kellyanne Conway have announced they tested positive for COVID-19.


Trump doing 'extremely well,' had been 'very concerned': Meadows

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Trump's son, Eric Trump, both spoke with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro on Saturday night, saying the president was improving after some early concern.

"He's doing extremely well. In fact, I'm very, very optimistic based on the current results and as the doctor said he's not out of the woods for the next 48 hours or so," Meadows told Pirro. "With the history of this virus, we know it can be tough, but he's made unbelievable improvements from yesterday morning when I know a number of us -- the doctor and I -- were very concerned."

Meadows said the president doesn't have a fever now and his oxygen levels are normal after they "dropped rapidly" on Friday morning.

Eric Trump said he spent about "20 to 25 minutes" on the phone with his father on Saturday and said, "he sounded incredible, honestly." Trump's second-youngest son also said he was concerned watching his father take off for Walter Reed Medical Center, saying it was "probably a memory I won't forget."

Eric confirmed his father spoke to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell about the COVID relief bill -- something the president also tweeted about Saturday -- and getting money for the struggling airline industry.

ABC News' Ben Siu contributed to this report.

Trump 'bored' at Walter Reed, sources say

President Trump completed a second dose of remdesivir on Saturday and still did not require supplemental oxygen, according to a memorandum. The president spent the afternoon at Walter Reed Medical Center on the phone speaking to aides and getting some work done, sources told ABC News.

"He spent most of the afternoon conducting business, and has been up and moving about the medical suite without difficulty," the memorandum from Dr. Sean Conley said. "While not yet out of the woods, the team remains cautiously optimistic."

One source who spent time with the president this afternoon said they are encouraging him to rest and added he continues to be monitored closely. Multiple sources told ABC News on Saturday night that Friday was "scary," and added they were concerned about Trump. Sources told ABC News earlier in the day that Trump was having trouble breathing and received supplemental oxygen on Friday at the White House after his oxygen levels dropped.

Trump himself, according to sources, wanted to bring in a camera to share how he was doing. The president filmed a four-minute video on Friday night and tweeted twice during the day -- once thanking his doctors and nurses and another referring to getting "stimulus" done, an apparent reference to disagreements between his administration and House Speak Nancy Pelosi over a funding bill.

Sources described Trump as "bored" and said he wanted to leave the hospital as soon as possible, but as previously reported is expected to remain at Walter Reed for a few days.

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is once again expected to spend the night at Walter Reed.

ABC News' John Santucci contributed to this report.

Biden campaign to release results of every COVID-19 test

The Biden campaign said Saturday it will release the results of every COVID-19 test the Democratic presidential candidate takes, including negative ones -- an increase in transparency over its previous testing guidance.

“Vice President Biden is being tested regularly, and we will be releasing the results of each test,” campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Previously, the campaign had said it would release any positive tests.

Biden took two COVID-19 tests on Friday morning after Trump revealed that he was positive for the virus. Both were negative. On Saturday, Biden told pool reporters he had not been tested that day, but would be tested Sunday morning.

A source familiar with the campaign’s testing procedures told ABC News that the campaign has been ramping up testing as Biden's travel has increased.

Amid concerns about Biden's possible exposure to COVID-19 at this week's debate, Bates said the candidate "was never in close contact with President Trump or members of his team or family during the debate."

"When he was not on the debate stage, he wore a mask," he added.

ABC News' Molly Nagle contributed to this report.

Trump speaks from hospital: 'I feel much better now,' next few days 'the real test'

In his second virtual address in two days since his COVID-19 diagnosis, Trump said he was feeling "much better" and that the next few days will be "the real test."

"I came here, wasn't feeling so well. I feel much better now. We're working hard to get me all the way back," Trump said in the four-minute video, filmed at the Walter Reed Medical Center, where the president has been for the past 24 hours.

"I think I'll be back soon," he said while sitting at a desk and dressed in a suit jacket.

Trump acknowledged the millions of people globally who have been affected by COVID-19 and said he was "fighting for them, not just in the U.S."

"We're going to beat this coronavirus, or whatever you want to call it, and we're going to beat it soundly," he said.

He said the next few days will be "the real test," and referred to COVID-19 therapeutics as "miracles."

"People criticize me when I say that," he said. "We have things happening that look like they're miracles coming down from God."

Trump updated that his wife, Melania Trump, is "doing well" and, being the younger of the two, is "handling it statistically like it's supposed to be handled."

"That makes me happy," he added.

Trump thanked the American people for their "almost bipartisan" support and world leaders for their condolences. He also thanked the doctors and nurses at the medical center "for the incredible job they've been doing."