The Note: The Marco Rubio Moment

--CLINTON CASH DAY: ABC's CECILIA VEGA reported for "Good Morning America" on today's flurry of stories about allegations in the new "Clinton Cash" book and how her campaign is reacting. The Clinton campaign's national press secretary Brian Fallon has been circulating a memo meant to arm supporters and allies with ammunition to fight back against the allegations in the forthcoming book by Peter Schweizer. "It goes without saying that the Clintons are rightfully proud of the critical work done by the Clinton Foundation," Fallon writes in the memo, obtained by ABC News. "It is a world-class philanthropy that has helped millions of people around the world tackle issues from HIV/AIDS to children's health to climate change. It is sad, but not surprising, that their philanthropic work has become the subject of false, right-wing attack." WATCH:


HAPPENING TODAY: A VOTE ON LORETTA LYNCH. Yesterday, the Senate approved new anti-human trafficking legislation to help victims of sex trafficking and cleared the way for a vote on Loretta Lynch's nomination to be the next attorney general. Republicans insisted on passage of the trafficking measure before voting on Lynch's nomination. For the past month, Democrats and Republicans were at odds over a provision that would have subjected the funding in the legislation to the Hyde amendment, which prohibits the use of taxpayer funds on abortions. The Senate will now proceed to vote on Lynch's nomination to be attorney general, ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ reports. Lynch was nominated to the position 166 days ago -- the longest confirmation period for an attorney general nominee in recent history.



ELIZABETH WARREN IS OFFICIALLY IN A FIGHT WITH OBAMA OVER TRADE. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, came out with a forceful blog yesterday on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, saying the administration is hiding the details of the deal from the American people. "The Administration says I'm wrong - that there's nothing to worry about. They say the deal is nearly done, and they are making a lot of promises about how the deal will affect workers, the environment, and human rights. Promises - but people like you can't see the actual deal," Warren writes. This came after President Obama said in an interview with MSNBC that Elizabeth Warren is "wrong" for opposing TPP, ABC's ARLETTE SAENZ and MARY BRUCE note. Asked about Democratic opposition to the trade deal, the White House yesterday admitted that "this has been a difficult political issue for Democrats and political allies in the past" but that it doesn't mean "we're going to shy away from this conversation."

NOT JUST 'W'S BROTHER': HOW JEB BUSH IS DEALING WITH HIS DYNASTY PROBLEM. Jeb Bush, the son of one president and the brother of another, is almost certainly going to pursue a White House bid of his own in 2016. But he wants voters to know one thing: He's his own man. "I love my brother. I love my dad," Bush told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in February. "I admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions they had to make. But I'm my own man and my views are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences." But that hasn't stopped the steady stream of questions he fields from reporters and voters alike. They usually go something like this: How are you different from your father and brother? As he travels the country as a potential candidate, Bush, who served as Florida's 43rd governor, hasn't run from the family name -- but he's careful not to run on it either. Before he's even a declared candidate, ABC's BENJAMIN SIEGEL and AJ FEATHER look at how he has handled the questions about the Bush dynasty.

GYROCOPTER PILOT DOUG HUGHES 'SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLOWN OUT OF THE AIR,' REP. JASON CHAFFETZ SAYS. The pilot of the gyrocopter that landed last week on the West Lawn at the U.S. Capitol "should have been blown out of the air," House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz said Wednesday, adding that Doug Hughes is "lucky to be alive" after pulling off the wild stunt. "He is lucky to be alive because he should have been blown out of the air, and very well could have been," Chaffetz, R-Utah, said. "If it was up to me, I would have taken care of the problem." Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the committee, agreed that there should be serious consequences for anyone threatening Washington, D.C. in a no-fly zone, ABC's JOHN PARKINSON writes. "The last thing we want is people get ideas that they can penetrate our defense systems," Cummings, D-Maryland, said. "We've got to send a very strong message out there that if someone comes within that airspace, they're going to have a problem, a major problem."

WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE TO HAVE BILL CLINTON BACK ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL. Former President Bill Clinton has been keeping quiet when it comes to directly commenting on his wife's latest bid for the White House -- but he's starting to make more obvious hints now that she is officially two weeks into the race. "We're not big on quitting in my family. You may have noticed that," he said at a Tuesday event held at his alma mater, Georgetown University. Moving past Hillary Clinton's return to the race for, what she described in her 2008 concession speech as "the highest, hardest glass ceiling," her bid also means that Bill Clinton will be returning to the campaign fray. The former president brings some undeniable advantages with him, including his well-worn Rolodex of supporters and automatic public interest. But Hillary's staffers are likely already factoring how they can avoid some of the pitfalls he made during his wife's first White House bid, ABC's MEGHAN KENEALLY reports.


--AL FRANKEN HOSTS THE (HOTTEST) DISH COMPETITION IN DC. Nothing brings lawmakers together like a Minnesota hotdish. Sen. Al Franken hosted the fifth annual Minnesota Hotdish Competition on Capitol Hill Wednesday, where Minnesota lawmakers had the chance to put their best fork forward. A hotdish is the Minnesota term for casserole, and consists of a starch, a protein and a liquid. Trash talk, cheese and laughter flowed generously though the committee room as the lawmakers-turned-culinary competitors openly heckled one another. This was the second year that all 10 lawmakers in the Minnesota congressional delegation competed in the event, and the competition was as hot as the Crock-Pots their dishes were stored in. ABC's KATELYN MARMON has more.

--LITTLE GIRL ASKS MICHELLE OBAMA (GASP) 'HOW OLD ARE YOU?' It's the one question you're told never to ask a woman. But that didn't stop a cute little girl at the White House Wednesday from asking Michelle Obama, "How old are you?" "How old are you?" the first lady bemoaned. "I'm 51," she confidently told the crowd of eager, fidgety children in the East Room during her annual question-and-answer session as part of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day, ABC's MARY BRUCE notes. But, then, the girl gave some inaudible reaction. "Say that again? Give her the mic," the first lady said, motioning to a member of her staff. "What was that, babe? I didn't hear you." "You look too young for a 51-year-old,' the girl said, much to Obama's delight. "Thank you," the first lady exclaimed. "You should come up here and give me a hug...Come give me a hug for that one."


@scottwongDC: Ire from right puts House education bill in jeopardy …

@WordsOfSarah: Homeless man who works in the Senate says he can't stay in shelters, because people kept kept stealing his insulin 

@ZekeJMiller: Exclusive: Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors  via @Reuters

@jonallendc: Better for someone seeking access or favor to give big check to the Clinton Foundation than small one to the campaign …

@rollcall: You could be seeing a new Democratic challenger in California soon ...  via @CahnEmily