Obama Warns 'Some Form of War' Inevitable if Iran Nuke Deal is Blocked

President Obama warn absence of Iran nuclear deal means "some form of war."

— -- President Obama warned that if Congress blocks the Iran nuclear deal next month, it would result in "some form of war."

"Let's not mince words. The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war," he said during a major foreign policy address in Washington today. "Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon."

“The prospect of nuclear war was all too real,” Obama said of the state of world affairs in 1963. “But the young president [Kennedy] offered a different vision. Strength, in his view, included powerful armed forces and a willingness to stand up for our values around the world.”

“The agreement now reached between the international community and the Islamic Republic of Iran builds on this tradition of strong principled diplomacy,” Obama said. "We have achieved a detailed arrangement that permanently prohibits Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. It cuts off all of Iran's pathways to a bomb."

The agreement is expected to face a vote in mid-September after the congressional summer recess.

So far, the president has met personally with over 80 Members of Congress while senior administration officials have lobbied more than 175 lawmakers to discuss the deal, according to an administration official.

In order to block the deal from being implemented, Republicans must build bipartisan support majorities in the House and Senate to overcome presidential vetoes.

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