Paul Ryan Stands by Comments Critical of Donald Trump, But Would Support Him as President

“Every one of these people would be a far better president" than Clinton.

Despite differences with Trump, Ryan said he would support whoever emerges as the Republican presidential nominee.

“Every one of these people would be a far better president than Hillary Clinton," he said. "We’re having a good primary process. It's cathartic, it's helpful."

A former Republican vice presidential candidate who developed his reputation crafting conservative budgets as chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan believes policy will matter more than personality in the race for the White House.

“I had about six days to plan for a speakership,” he said.

For weeks, Ryan, who appeared content to serve as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, resisted calls from Boehner and others to run for speaker. He reevaluated his position after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) dropped out of the race.

Ryan, 45, decided to run after convincing most House Republicans to agree to his terms of service and promising he would run the House differently than Boehner, whose leadership was challenged by hardliners.

“If I pick up where John Boehner left off, then I think we won't be successful,” he said.

Ryan said he wants to empower rank-and-file Republicans and committee chairmen to shape the House agenda, while also finding common ground with Democrats.

“I think we can do that without compromising our principles," he said.

"If we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security, then that’s fine," he continued. "But this is not an issue I believe we can or should be able to work with this president on."

Editor's note: In an earlier version of this story Paul Ryan was misidentified as a Wisconsin senator. He is a Wisconsin congressman. ABC regrets the error, which has been corrected.