As questions loom about Jared Kushner's security clearance, House committee says White House not cooperating in probe

The White House has faced questions about issues with security clearances.

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee says the White House has not been cooperative in a growing probe of security clearances given to members of the Trump administration.

The House Oversight Committee recently announced its own security clearance investigation -- including a review of Kushner’s clearance.

The White House has faced mounting questions for months about issues with security clearances for dozens of administration officials who were operating under temporary clearances well into 2018. Two of the president's top aides, former White House staff secretary Rob Porter and personal aide John McEntee, departed the White House after flags were raised in their respective clearances.

“It is highly unusual for the president to override security officials and instruct them to grant a security clearance to someone who has been deemed high risk,” said former Homeland Security official and current ABC News contributor John Cohen. “The security clearance process is one of the ways we protect our nation’s most sensitive secrets. And while the president has the authority to override the process, it doesn’t mean he should because it may place our national security at risk.”

“We don’t comment on security clearances," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement to ABC News Thursday night.

Peter Mirijanian, a spokesperson for Abbe Lowell, the attorney for Kushner, said in a statement, “In 2018, White House and security clearance officials affirmed that Mr. Kushner’s security clearance was handled in the regular process with no pressure from anyone. That was conveyed to the media at the time, and new stories, if accurate, do not change what was affirmed at the time.”