Texas Legislator Instructs Staff: Ask Muslims to Pledge Allegiance to America

State Rep. Molly White refused to apologize for her controversial Facebook post.

“We will see how long they stay in my office,” she added.

In response to White’s post, CAIR Government Affairs Manager Robert McCaw sent a letter to Texas Speaker Joe Straus asking if White violated any House ethics rules by “creating such an internal office policy that is selectively being enforced to discriminate against certain religious minorities.”

"The Texas Capitol belongs to all the people of this state, and legislators have a responsibility to treat all visitors just as we expect to be treated -- with dignity and respect," Straus said in a statement to ABC News. "Anything else reflects poorly on the entire body and distracts from the very important work in front of us."

"I welcome all of my constituents who would like to come and visit our office in the Texas State Capitol," White said in a statement to ABC. "As law abiding American citizens, we all have the privilege and the right to freedom of speech granted to us by the First amendment, and believe fully in the democracy that our nation is founded upon. As a proud Texan and American I fully denounce all terrorist groups or organizations who’s intent is to hurt and destroy the great state of Texas and our Nation."

“Isn’t it amazing when you stand for America, our allies and against terrorism how much vile and angry responses you get? I will never cow to anti Americanism and extremists,” she wrote in another comment. “I am banning users that are insulting."

In a post earlier today, the Texas lawmaker insisted that “becoming an American” is “not the intent of most Muslims who move to America.”

"Remember, in the Koran, it is ok to lie for the purpose of advancing Islam," she wrote. “Texas must never allow fringe groups of people to come here so they can advance their own culture instead of becoming an American.”

Her message was echoed by a slew of protesters at the Capitol. A few dozen men and women waving signs proclaiming “Go home and take Obama with you,” “Muhammad is dead” and “Radical Islam is the New Nazi” protested against the Muslim community members standing on the Capitol steps.

“Islam and the false prophet Muhammad -- Islam will never dominate the United States, and by the grace of God, it will not dominate Texas,” one protester yelled before she was removed by an officer at the scene.

“Muhammad is dead!” she screamed as she was dragged away. “Muhammad did nothing but made himself a pervert. We love America, we love Jesus Christ!”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s office declined to comment.