Trump, Obama tie for America's most admired man in 2019: Survey

This is the first time for President Trump and the 12th for President Obama.

Both Trump and Obama each earned 18% support among Americans as the man "living today in any part of the world" they admired most, according to the survey.

But in a polarized electorate, the results of the poll break strongly along partisan lines, with 41% of Democrats, 12% of Independents, and only 3% of Republicans choosing Obama, and 45% of Republicans, 10% of Independents, and 2% of Democrats opting for Trump.

Since 1948, Gallup has asked U.S. adults to identify which man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most in an open-ended poll. Throughout the years, Americans often choose the incumbent president as the most admired man, with the Oval Office holder clinching the honor in 58 of 72 prior Gallup polls. The 2019 poll was conducted from Dec. 2-15, 2019.

In 2018, facing a lower approval rating, only 13% of Americans picked Trump as the most admired man, up one percentage point from 2017, the first year of his administration. He landed in second to Obama's 19% in 2018 and 17% in 2017.

Among the most admired women, former first lady Michelle Obama leads in the top spot by double digits.

Ten percent of Americans picked Obama as the most admired woman of 2019, according to the poll, with current First Lady Melania Trump finishing in second at 5%.

Last year, 10% of Americans named Obama as the most admired woman of the year, which Gallup notes came on the heels of the release of her bestselling autobiography, "Becoming."