#TrumpShutdown beats #SchumerShutdown in hashtag battle to assign blame

Twitter users are in a pitched battle assign blame for the federal shutdown.

As of Saturday at 1:20 p.m. ET, #TrumpShutdown had been tweeted over 2.6 million times, compared to just under 1.2 million tweets of #SchumerShutdown.

#TrumpShutdown was also the top trending hashtag worldwide.

"Before he took office, @realDonaldTrump was happy to say the president owns the blame for a government shutdown," read a tweet from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Friday. "As President, he blames Democrats. That tells you all you need to know. #TrumpShutdown""

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff of California noted in his tweet that Republicans control the presidency and both houses of Congress.

White House press secretary meanwhile slammed Democrats for behaving like "obstructionist losers, not legislators."

Republicans began blasting a link to the website SchumerShutdown.com in tweets using the hashtag starting on Thursday, Jan. 18, a day before the last votes before the government officially shut down.

"My favorite is still the 'Schumer Shutdown,'" Mulvaney said. "It's got that nice little ring to it, doesn't it?"

Forty-eight percent of the poll's respondents indicated they would blame Trump and Republicans compared to 28 percent of those surveyed who said they would point fingers at congressional Democrats.