US Virgin Islands 2024 Democratic caucus results

The presidential nominating race is coming to a close.

The U.S. Virgin Island's 2024 Democratic caucuses were on Saturday.

The nationwide presidential nominating race, which kicked off in January, is now drawing to a close six months later.

President Joe Biden is projected to win, ABC News reports. He was the only major candidate still running and already clinched the party's nomination earlier this year.

The nationwide presidential nominating race, which kicked off in January, is now drawing to a close six months later.

There were seven delegates available to win in Saturday's caucuses.

Territory significance

As a U.S. territory -- not a state -- the U.S. Virgin Islands do not participate in presidential general elections but do help decide whom the political parties nominate as their candidates.

The territory's 2024 Republican caucuses were in February. Former President Donald Trump won.

In 2020, Biden won his party's caucuses in the U.S. Virgin Islands over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders with about 91% of the vote.