Warren to Trump: ‘No Seriously -- Delete Your Account’

The Democratic senator is taking on the presumptive GOP nominee.

After the Massachusetts senator eviscerated the presumptive Republican nominee in a speech Thursday night, Trump took to Twitter this morning, calling her “Pocahontas” and saying she has a “nasty mouth.”

Warren’s attacks on Trump preceded her official endorsement of Clinton, with Warren saying she’s ready to get in the fight to help Clinton and defeat Trump.

In her speech Thursday, Warren accused Trump of race baiting with his recent attacks on the judge overseeing the Trump University case and calling him a “loud, nasty, think-skinned fraud.”

No, seriously -- Delete your account. https://t.co/O1u7oc0jAR

Warren’s attacks on Trump preceded her official endorsement of Clinton, with Warren saying she’s ready to get in the fight to help Clinton and defeat Trump.