Apple App Store Prices Changing in Parts of the World

Currency fluctuations prompt new price points in app store in some countries.

— -- The price of an app from the Apple app store is changing for people who live in Canada and parts of Europe.

The increase is a result of fluctuating exchange rates and various taxes, according to an Apple memo to developers that was obtained by 9to5Mac.

Our neighbors to the north will face a 20-cent increase, paying $1.19 (US$1.01) for a basic app. In many parts of Europe, the price will increase from €0.89 ($1.05) to €0.99 ($1.17), according to 9to5Mac.

There's good news for people who live in Iceland, who are expected to see a decrease.

The change comes shortly after Apple announced a new policy in many European countries that gives customers a 14-day grace period if they wish to return an app. The European Union issued a directive over the summer that focuses on consumer rights.