NBA Player Matt Bonner Blames Elbow Injury on Bigger iPhone 6

Matt Bonner has a theory about how he developed elbow injury.

"Everybody is going to find this hilarious, but here’s my theory on how I got it," he told the Concord Monitor. "When the new iPhone came out it was way bigger than the last one, and I think because I got that new phone it was a strain to use it, you have to stretch further to hit the buttons, and I honestly think that’s how I ended up developing it."

Bonner's average was at 32.4 percent during the time he said he was injured. Before and after the injury, he made 42.8 percent of his shots, according to the Concord Monitor.

It was unclear whether Bonner has the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 or the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus — but he seemed unfazed.

"I really don’t want to say that’s why my percentage dipped, but I’m not too worried about it," he said. "I know I can still shoot."