Topeka: Google's April Fools Prank

Santa Fe man said he is hypersensitive to consumer electronics.

April 1, 2010 -- What's the hottest Internet trend on this April's Fool's Day?

Google's prank to rename itself to Topeka. The friendly joke started a few months ago when Kansas mayor Bill Bunton renamed Topeka to Google for a month.

Why? According to reports, the mayor threw his city's hat in the ring for Google's "Fiber for Communities" program to install fiberoptics across cities for lightning-speed Internet connections.

And now Google's Topeka practical joke has garnered itself as the top Web prank for April Fool's of all time.

Topeka has also risen as the top-visited Web site and Google trend of the day.

There's also plenty of social media buzz around Google's April Fool's joke as well.

"Google's Topeka April Fools joke is funny funny." SaltySeattle - Twitter

"I love those Google...pranksters"stephobadia - Twitter

"Google renames itself Topeka for April Fool's Day. Love it! Check out and read the link...about our name change. Good stuff!" StLouisCy - Twitter

Read more about the best April Fool hoaxes in history.

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