What to do if Hurricane Irma blows you off the power grid

Use only flashlights for emergency lighting, officials say.

More specifically, three-quarters of the City of Miami has no access to power as the storm rolls through, according to the mayor.

Here's what to do if you're without power in a storm, according to a page on Ready.gov, a national public service campaign operated by the federal government.

Use flashlights and not candles

The government notes that candles can cause fires, and should be avoided.

Protect your food supply

The government suggests that the doors of refrigerators and freezers should be firmly closed, and that food requiring refrigeration can typically be kept in a closed refrigerator for several hours without causing concern.

"An unopened refrigerator will keep food cold for about 4 hours," the government notes. "A full freezer will keep the temperature for about 48 hours."

Stay cool if it's hot, and wear layers in the cold

If the weather if cold, wear layers and never burn charcoal for cooking or warmth.


Ready.gov also recommends that Americans pull the plug or turn off appliances during a power outage to avoid momentary power surges.

Such incidents can damage computers and other devices, the website notes.