Kansas Man Finds Golden Can, Wins Super Bowl Tickets for Life

Lyle Randa, 52 of Wichita won the grand prize earlier this week.

Lyle Randa won the prize earlier this week, which Anheuser-Busch confirmed to ABC News today.

Just before New Year's Eve, Randa, a father of two and 20-year veteran machinist at Textron Aviation, purchased a 30-pack of Bud Light at El Maya Liquor store in Wichita. When he returned home, Randa discovered one gold-colored can among the 29 blue ones sitting in the box.

Randa then dialed Manuel Osorio, owner of El Maya, to inform him that he had purchased a gold-colored can from his store.

Osorio told ABC News he reached out to his distributor, who confirmed with Anheuser-Busch that the box Randa purchased contained the can.

"He said, 'No. you're pulling my leg,'" Osorio recalled of the conversation with Randa. "I said, 'I'm not lying to you. You're actually the winner.' And that's when it hit him: This is actually legit."

From Nov. 28 through Jan. 13, 37,000 gold-colored Super Bowl 51 cans were randomly placed in packs. The lucky fans who found them were able to enter to win the grand prize: Super Bowl tickets for life (up to 51 years).

About a week ago, Randa got the call that he was the big winner of two tickets. Both he and his wife, Amy Randa, said they were in utter shock.

"We thought it was a scam at first and I said, 'This not a scam,'" Amy told ABC News. "He is a very kindhearted, loving person. He loves to have fun, he loves the NFL and he definitely deserves this."