Fulton County hearing: Trump case hangs in balance as judge mulls DA Willis' disqualification

The defense wants to disqualify DA Fani Willis in Trump's Georgia election case.

Following three days of testimony plus closing arguments, Scott McAfee, the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case, is weighing motions to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, primarily over accusations from Trump co-defendant Michael Roman that she benefited financially from a "personal, romantic relationship" with prosecutor Nathan Wade, who she hired for the case.

Willis and Wade, in a court filing, admitted to the relationship but said it "does not amount to a disqualifying conflict of interest" and that the relationship "has never involved direct or indirect financial benefit to District Attorney Willis."


Hearing is underway

Tuesday's hearing in Fulton County is underway, with special prosecutor Nathan Wade's former law partner and divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley, expected back on the witness stand.

Wade is present in the courtroom but so far there is no sign of DA Fani Willis. The attorney for Michael Roman, Ashleigh Merchant, is also in court today, and former President Donald Trump's attorney is appearing over Zoom.

For the state, Adam Abbate, attorney for the DA's office, is present.

Wade's former attorney to retake the stand this afternoon

Prosecutor Nathan Wade's former law partner and divorce attorney, Terrence Bradley, will take retake the stand at a hearing this afternoon, after Judge McAfee ruled that Bradley must return to the witness stand to testify on topics not covered by attorney-client privilege.

During the hearing two weeks ago, Bradley cited attorney-client privilege in declining to answer many of the defense's questions about Wade and Willis' relationship. Attorneys for the defense have claimed Bradley has evidence that Wade and Willis' romantic relationship began before Willis hired Wade in November 2021, which would contradict Willis and Wade's sworn testimony that their relationship began in 2022 and ended in the summer of 2023.

Judge McAfee said during the earlier hearing that he was "left wondering" about whether Bradley had "been properly interpreting privilege."

Court adjourns, judge signals it will resume next week or week after

Court adjourned for the day as the judge signaled court will resume late next week or the following week.

Judge McAfee adjourned the court after denying the state's request to call a client of Nathan Wade and Terrence Bradley’s law firm who would testify that Bradley allegedly sexually assaulted her.

Judge suspends Terrence Bradley's testimony

Terrence Bradley’s testimony has abruptly ended for the day on the request of Judge McAfee, who indicated he now doubts whether Bradley “has been properly interpreting privilege this entire time.”

The stunning development came after Bradley, when questioned by the state, testified about an allegation of sexual assault against him by an employee at the firm he shared with prosecutor Nathan Wade.

That testimony prompted defense lawyers to argue that if the sexual assault allegation is not covered by attorney-client privilege, neither should Bradley’s conversations with Wade about Wade’s relationship with DA Fani Willis.

“He lied,” said prosecutor Anna Cross.

The judge reiterated the need to speak to Bradley in private and suggested he could reopen evidence if he uncovers anything relevant.

He asked Bradley’s lawyer if his client is still in the courthouse and if so to go to the jury room for the private meeting.

State attorney says arguments don't prove 'actual conflict'

Adam Abbate, an attorney with the district attorney's office, argued that defendants had failed to meet the "high standard of proof" for disqualification -- calling the narrative they spun about Willis and Wade's relationship "absolutely absurd."

"It doesn't make any sense," Abbate said. "The motions to disqualify should be denied, and Miss Willis as district attorney of Fulton County, and Mr. Wade, as the special prosecutor assigned to this case, should be allowed to remain on this case and continue to prosecute the case."

Contrary to what defense attorneys argued, Abbate argued that they must prove an "actual conflict" of interest to secure a disqualification -- not just the "appearance of impropriety."

"The defense has to show an actual conflict, and in this instance, they have to show in the actual conflict would be that Miss Willis received a financial benefit or gain -- and got it based upon the outcome of the case," Abbate said.

"We have absolutely no evidence that Miss Willis received any financial gain or benefit," he argued. "The testimony was that Miss Willis paid all of the money back in cash as related to the trips."

Judge McAfee seemed skeptical of that argument, citing language that allows for removal based on the "appearance of impropriety" and referencing examples of past misconduct raised by the defendants.

Abbate pushed back, arguing that in each of those cases, the "appearance of impropriety ... arose from the fact that the court found an actual conflict in each of those cases."

Abbate also called into question the credibility of defendants' key witnesses in the disqualification hearings, calling the testimony of Robin Yeartie, ex-friend of Willis, "at best inconsistent."