Miami Teen Arrested for Hacking Computers to Change Grades

Jose Bautista allegedly changed grades for multiple students.

May 3, 2014 — -- A Miami high school student is facing felony charges after allegedly hacking into his school website and changing students' grades, according to WFOR-TV in Miami.

Jose Bautista, 18, was charged Friday with multiple counts including intellectual property offence and offense against computer users. According to WFOR-TV, Bautista was able to hack into the school computers and change the grades for himself and four other students.

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The principal at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School turned over Bautista to the police on Thursday, after the student reportedly gave him a written confession.

A video of Bautista's court appearance showed the high school senior fidgeting in an orange jumpsuit as the charges against him were read.

His aunt and grandfather told WFOR-TV, he's a hardworking student and a good kid.

Bautista was a senior and scheduled to graduate within a few weeks. The Miami-Dade School District sent a statement to WFOR-TV which said "expulsion" was still a possibility.

"The school district takes incidents like this very seriously. In addition to the arrest and ongoing criminal investigation, the Code of Student Conduct provides for corrective strategies up to and including recommendation for expulsion," read the statement.

Bautista was released after his family posted his $20,000 bail.

Calls to numbers listed as his family members were not answered.

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