Twitter's bath towel debate is perfectly mindboggling

What is a 'bath towel'? Twitter is on the case.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a social media platform in possession of too little content must be in want of something mindbogglingly ridiculous to fill the void.

It all started with a tweet Sunday evening from journalist Yashar Ali, which attempted to answer a question from "Unrelatable" podcast host Abdul Dremali about how many towels a cohabiting couple should own. Ali controversially claimed that pairs must own the following:

That seems like a lot of linen in general, but Ali’s tweet raised more urgent epistemological queries for Twitter: What is a 'bath towel'? What is a 'bath sheet'? Is there a difference? Is a bath towel also a beach towel, and if not, why not? What's happening?

This got kinda serious:

Some experts weighed in:

Ali even attempted to diagram the situation:

Model Chrissy Teigen found the number of washcloths to be a tad overblown:

And, in a final twist, the podcast host who inadvertently started this whole thing realized in the end he owned a bath towel:

In conclusion, Happy Presidents’ Day.